Kidney Cleanse? Recipe Quick

Sometimes Our bodies need a cleanse and we can feel it but just don’t have the time for it. So here I am going to give you a quick recipe I am currently using and the best part is that it cleanses all your system. Now please make sure to do further research into Burdock root since it Cannot be used if pregnant or if nursing. Please always consult your Dr’s for anything you may use specially if you have other specific conditions such as diabetes or specialized prescriptions . Burdock Do’s & Dont’sĀ  Click here Please

Now You can take Burdock root in many forms but the easiest for me is tea. Burdock its self is great for cleansing the whole system. It removes toxins and helps in restoring our bodies natural rhythm.

Ingredients to my Quick cleanser:

Half a teaspoon of each will make 2 cups.

  • Burdock root
  • Turmeric
  • Chi tea teabag (contains black pepper, cinnamon, black tea, and cardamon)
  • gingerĀ  ( or ginger powder)
  • Coriander powder.
  • Honey
  • boiling water
  • mug

To your cup of boiling water add half a teaspoon of each ingredient plus the tea bag. Then Cover with a small flat plate and let steep for 3-5min. Drink once a day because burdock is very potent. Without burdock drink twice a day. For 1 month. This tea is a diuretic and flushes out the toxins. Make sure that because it is a strong cleanser that you always have other liquids such as water, juice, Non caffeinated teas, water with fruit flavors or fizzy water. No coffee right after your tea because You will throw your body into deep dehydration. This can be served hot or cold after steeping.

Light Kidney/liver cleansers as teas or drinks

  • celery drink
  • parsley
  • pinapple
  • cucummber
  • watermelon juice
  • lemon and ginger
  • coconut water
  • In all drinks you may add less then half a teaspoon of raw organic honey or Stevia which is a fruit sugar.


Egg roll -Easy

This didn’t come out as round as I wanted it to but that’s okay. It tasted great.


  • Eggroll pre made package
  • 6 Mushrooms
  • 3 small Carrots
  • 1 tablespoon Capsicum
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped Onion
  • 1 teaspoon Goya seasoning Or salt , pepper, and bullion.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons starch or flour.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon water.
  • plate & a bowl
  • 2 tablespoons oil.
  • Non stick pan

slice all ingredients and add to hot pan with oil. Add sugar and seasonings. Fry for 3min. Take out of pan and let sit so that oil stabilizes. Take egg roll sheets (bought package already made at Freshco in vegan section).

Place sheet in diamond form on a plate. In a bowl mix 2 tablespoons starch or flour with1 1/2 tablespoon water. On all edges of egg roll sheet using your clean fingers. Dip your fingers in flour or starch mixture and slide it onto sheet edges.

In the middle of the sheet add 1 full table spoon of veg. Fold left corner in wards and then right corner inwards towards each other so both points are touching. Take the top point (north point) and bring a bit past the other two points. The last tip will wrap on top of the other two.

You are basically creating an envelope with food in the center of it then closing it with the remaining point. I cooked one by one but you can make all of them and then fry them in your hot pain with oil. Depending on how many sheets you will want to make you may have to make another batch of veggies again.

Enjoy by serving with soy sauce mixed with 2 drops of sesame oil.

Love always Modern Wife.

Japanese Omelette-Med My rendition

If you are looking for original Omurice Click here it will take You directly there.

This However is my rendition on this Japanese Omelette.


  • 1 cup Par boiled rice
  • Half of a bullion (your choice)
  • Half a small onion sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 1 table spoon oilĀ  (your choice, can be made with previous oil from veg of that day sausage other. Sounds disgusting but restaurants do this)
  • 1and1/2cup water
  • 1 small pack sazon goya achote
  • 3eggs (size of your choice)
  • pinch Himalayan salt
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon grated melting cheese.
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • 2 large lettuce leafs
  • non stick pan
  • spatula & bowl
  • small rice cooker

All right :

Rice~put teaspoon oil in rice cooker along with half bullion, half of the amount of garlic minced and half of onion minced. Lid rice cooker. When bullion looks mushy add 1 cup parboiled rice, 1an1/2 cup water and 1 small pack sazon goya achote pack. Stir rice27661850_1530604577024171_601807768_n so that it may obtain sazon color & flavor and Lid.

Heat your pan to a med (5 on my stove) for 5 min.

Eggs~Add eggs(removed from shells) into bowl with pinch Himalayan salt, half the onion and half the garlic minced. Mix well.

Add Butter to pan and quickly add egg mixture to pan. let it cook on both sides like an omelette making sure both sides are cooked. Add 2 table spoons Cooked rice to one side of your flat egg while it is in the pan. Lower heat (2). Bring the egg that has no rice over and enclose the rice. Seal it with cheese by putting the cheese on edge.

Serve Omelette on top of two large lettuce leaves with the sour cream. Enjoy!

Love always Modern Wife



Fitness Recipe 2,500$ Grant for weight loss

I have been very busy trying to come up with healthier options for all of you as well as my self. so Here I leave you with a Clean easy recipe and a link for your awareness.

Link for info is in description box for weight loss grant:

Smoothie for good energy and Healthy Eyes :

  1. Ā One carrot.
  2. Teaspoon ground ginger powder (or fresh ginger.
  3. Teaspoon organic honey.
  4. One slice water melon,
  5. One teaspoon Flax seed
  6. Optional 1 fresh squeezed Orange
  7. Optional 1 kale.
  8. 1 cup water and blend.
  9. Strain if desire but you will lose a lot of its vitamins.If you have a juices it is better.
  10. Enjoy Love Always Modern Wife

Recipe for Health 2018 sidenote

There is no ‘clickbait’ in this title. This is a recipe for a journey into a wholesome healing of our bodies. I’m honestly sharing with you all here food recipes, tiny stories and NOW Body shaping Challenges. If you ‘d like to join me in the next few CHALLENGES I’ll be taking on my YOUTUBE then Click here and open a new tab

Modern Wife Blog wordpressFor more information read the descriptions and Journey on with me. I’d appreciate it a lot.

love always Modern Wife and remember Be filled with Joy!