Kidney Cleanse? Recipe Quick

Sometimes Our bodies need a cleanse and we can feel it but just don’t have the time for it. So here I am going to give you a quick recipe I am currently using and the best part is that it cleanses all your system. Now please make sure to do further research into Burdock root since it Cannot be used if pregnant or if nursing. Please always consult your Dr’s for anything you may use specially if you have other specific conditions such as diabetes or specialized prescriptions . Burdock Do’s & Dont’sĀ  Click here Please

Now You can take Burdock root in many forms but the easiest for me is tea. Burdock its self is great for cleansing the whole system. It removes toxins and helps in restoring our bodies natural rhythm.

Ingredients to my Quick cleanser:

Half a teaspoon of each will make 2 cups.

  • Burdock root
  • Turmeric
  • Chi tea teabag (contains black pepper, cinnamon, black tea, and cardamon)
  • gingerĀ  ( or ginger powder)
  • Coriander powder.
  • Honey
  • boiling water
  • mug

To your cup of boiling water add half a teaspoon of each ingredient plus the tea bag. Then Cover with a small flat plate and let steep for 3-5min. Drink once a day because burdock is very potent. Without burdock drink twice a day. For 1 month. This tea is a diuretic and flushes out the toxins. Make sure that because it is a strong cleanser that you always have other liquids such as water, juice, Non caffeinated teas, water with fruit flavors or fizzy water. No coffee right after your tea because You will throw your body into deep dehydration. This can be served hot or cold after steeping.

Light Kidney/liver cleansers as teas or drinks

  • celery drink
  • parsley
  • pinapple
  • cucummber
  • watermelon juice
  • lemon and ginger
  • coconut water
  • In all drinks you may add less then half a teaspoon of raw organic honey or Stevia which is a fruit sugar.