Kidney Cleanse? Recipe Quick

Sometimes Our bodies need a cleanse and we can feel it but just don’t have the time for it. So here I am going to give you a quick recipe I am currently using and the best part is that it cleanses all your system. Now please make sure to do further research into Burdock root since it Cannot be used if pregnant or if nursing. Please always consult your Dr’s for anything you may use specially if you have other specific conditions such as diabetes or specialized prescriptions . Burdock Do’s & Dont’sĀ  Click here Please

Now You can take Burdock root in many forms but the easiest for me is tea. Burdock its self is great for cleansing the whole system. It removes toxins and helps in restoring our bodies natural rhythm.

Ingredients to my Quick cleanser:

Half a teaspoon of each will make 2 cups.

  • Burdock root
  • Turmeric
  • Chi tea teabag (contains black pepper, cinnamon, black tea, and cardamon)
  • gingerĀ  ( or ginger powder)
  • Coriander powder.
  • Honey
  • boiling water
  • mug

To your cup of boiling water add half a teaspoon of each ingredient plus the tea bag. Then Cover with a small flat plate and let steep for 3-5min. Drink once a day because burdock is very potent. Without burdock drink twice a day. For 1 month. This tea is a diuretic and flushes out the toxins. Make sure that because it is a strong cleanser that you always have other liquids such as water, juice, Non caffeinated teas, water with fruit flavors or fizzy water. No coffee right after your tea because You will throw your body into deep dehydration. This can be served hot or cold after steeping.

Light Kidney/liver cleansers as teas or drinks

  • celery drink
  • parsley
  • pinapple
  • cucummber
  • watermelon juice
  • lemon and ginger
  • coconut water
  • In all drinks you may add less then half a teaspoon of raw organic honey or Stevia which is a fruit sugar.


Egg roll -Easy

This didn’t come out as round as I wanted it to but that’s okay. It tasted great.


  • Eggroll pre made package
  • 6 Mushrooms
  • 3 small Carrots
  • 1 tablespoon Capsicum
  • 1 tablespoon Chopped Onion
  • 1 teaspoon Goya seasoning Or salt , pepper, and bullion.
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons starch or flour.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon water.
  • plate & a bowl
  • 2 tablespoons oil.
  • Non stick pan

slice all ingredients and add to hot pan with oil. Add sugar and seasonings. Fry for 3min. Take out of pan and let sit so that oil stabilizes. Take egg roll sheets (bought package already made at Freshco in vegan section).

Place sheet in diamond form on a plate. In a bowl mix 2 tablespoons starch or flour with1 1/2 tablespoon water. On all edges of egg roll sheet using your clean fingers. Dip your fingers in flour or starch mixture and slide it onto sheet edges.

In the middle of the sheet add 1 full table spoon of veg. Fold left corner in wards and then right corner inwards towards each other so both points are touching. Take the top point (north point) and bring a bit past the other two points. The last tip will wrap on top of the other two.

You are basically creating an envelope with food in the center of it then closing it with the remaining point. I cooked one by one but you can make all of them and then fry them in your hot pain with oil. Depending on how many sheets you will want to make you may have to make another batch of veggies again.

Enjoy by serving with soy sauce mixed with 2 drops of sesame oil.

Love always Modern Wife.

Recipe for Health 2018 sidenote

There is no ‘clickbait’ in this title. This is a recipe for a journey into a wholesome healing of our bodies. I’m honestly sharing with you all here food recipes, tiny stories and NOW Body shaping Challenges. If you ‘d like to join me in the next few CHALLENGES I’ll be taking on my YOUTUBE then Click here and open a new tab

Modern Wife Blog wordpressFor more information read the descriptions and Journey on with me. I’d appreciate it a lot.

love always Modern Wife and remember Be filled with Joy!

Quick Plant based Breakfast

banana-outmeal Recently I’ve been Craving sweets which is Highly unusual. I have no clue what has caused it but its there and seems like it won’t go away. Since married I’ve gained about 6pounds which is quite dangerous Haha. Some say that they are impressed I have not gained more. The only thing I tell them is “I’ve gained but I do my best Not to go crazy”. Long story short… I’m going to share my mind set with you all. Eat as healthy as You can and You can do it even if it looks impossible. I know that the prices are high, and Organics maybe false at times.. but the key is not giving up. If you were to see the tags on this blog article you’ll see I Only put ‘weight control’ because It may Not work for everyone. However You could lose weight doing this.

  • Ingredients: Whole oats, Rolled Oats, Organic Oats Or Quaker Oats. Any form of these oats will work for Weight Control. For weight loss would be organic Whole OatsĀ  and Only oats if you google ‘Oatmeal Diet’ you’ll find it But IĀ  don’t agree nor disagree. I’m more promoting mindset of “this is healthy, this is a healthier option then a poutine”.
  • Water, 1 cup boiling.
  • Half a cup oats.
  • 1 cup choice fruit.
  • Half a cup mixed nuts. I use the ones that contain raisins.
  • You may make this into many things it doesn’t only have to be in a bowl. It can be a mason jar breakfast. You would do it at night ,before bed and put it in the fridge. It can be made into a smoothie you would use 3/4 a cup of oats. Oat bars Or cookies.
  • *Optional: weight loss
  • drink 1 glass cold water with half lime squeezed into it or 1 tbsp orange juice,.
  • Whole oats 1 full cup to 1 full cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • Snack will be black coffee 1 cup or 1 cup Matcha or green tea.
  • Lunch and dinner are the same as breakfast and its done for max a week no added fruits nuts or other. Snacks are drinks this is part of what I’ve found as an Oat diet. Then after the week is over you add fruits and such.
  • My personal reason for OATS. I do not want to binge on easy foods simply because I’m a plant based eater. I don’t want. donuts and such so I opted for oats.

see you next time love always Modern Wife


Bibimbap Veg


Veg Bibimbap. A fav dish of mine. I only really make it for special me days šŸ˜€ Its very quick and under 20minutes to make. Obviously I am Not a Korean chef but I think it tasted pretty amazing. Anyway as always lets get to how to make this. Enough for 1 person add double ingredients for 2 people.

Ingredients: 2 cups Rice ,2 mushrooms, 2 small carrots, half an avocado,1 teaspoon sushi rice vinegar.Ā  a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon sesame, 2 cilantro with stem, 4pea pods(peas inside), rice cooker and 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce.

  1. Take all your veg of choice and thinly slice them. Unfortunately my knife sucked and I could not slice them thin enough But you want to slice your veg to half the size of my Veg above in this picture.
  2. Cook your 2cups of rice in rice cooker with 1 teaspoon sushi rice vinegar. Add a pinch salt. Let rice cooker cook.
  3. Now that rice is cooked, place rice at bottom of bowl and layer veg ontop. Layer the veg so that each veg of its kind will sit closely to each other going around in the bowl. I began layering the heaviest veg which were the carrots then avocado, mushrooms, and lettuce so forth.
  4. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon sesame over top of veg and poor your 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce into a container.
  5. Enjoy! typically they are to be mixed together and usually served hot but this is a Quick meal. Trust me it will still taste amazing. *As an option you could purchase Red Korean paste at a Korean market. You can also add shredded sushi seaweed and bean sprouts.

ps. Oh yeah I didn’t find my sushi soy holder so I bought new cig plates and use them as my soy holder.

Until next time love always Modern Wife.

Veg Stir fry


Sometimes in all the constant move of life;food becomes anything that is just edible. This day was one of those days. Where stuffing my face with bread was all I thought I had time for. When I say the soy sauce everything changed. Cook time under 15 min šŸ˜€


1 cup chopped celery, 1 cup orange chopped capsicum, 1 cup chopped mushrooms, 1 cup chopped onion, 1 cup chopped bok choy, 1 cup frozen peas. 1 cup of dark soy sauce. 1 table spoon peanut oil,1teaspoon sesame oil. Pan and rice cooker. 1cup water.

  1. put 4 cups of rice to cook in rice cooker with water, pinch salt and teaspoon oil.
  2. Chop all your veggies.
  3. put your pan on high for 1full minute.
  4. Add chopped veggies to pan and add half a cup of water. Lid it and steam your veggies.
  5. Once water has evaporated from veg, add the second half of the water and lid. steam again.
  6. Now that veg is cooked push your veg to side of pan leaving aprox 30cm of space on pan to add white rice.
  7. in another cup mix 1 cup of dark soy sauce. 1 table spoon peanut oil,1teaspoon sesame oil.
  8. Add soy sauce mix to rice and veg.
  9. Mix at least 2 cups and a half of rice to your veg. If needed make one more soy sauce mix.
  10. Stir and mix well. Allow rice, veg and sauce to blend. Let it fry without a lid on low heat.
  11. ENJOY!

Until next time love always Modern Wife.


Wife & Student

Previously I may have commented on my soon approach to finally graduating from University.Ā  I should be studying for my midterm which is tomorrow. Its just very difficult too. My wife side wants to wait for my husband to come home from work so that we can rest but I know it won’t work. In the back of my mind there will be that wonderful voice saying “home work, study, MIDTERM! go go. Why are you ignoring my yelling” then it persists to anxiousness. As you can imagine it basically goes down hill from there. So instead I opted to spend some time here with You all.

Typically I would wonder what to make for my husband’s lunch tomorrow. Many times I don’t actually get to doing it because the day has completely worn me out.Ā  Sometimes its because when we cook there is a lot of left overs so we just eat that. When we cook it is typically quick, easy on the fly and soon after we are on the go. My husband is presently a full time student in university and works. Our days are quick, measured by the minute and pretty much a routine. Some times we give or take an hour or so since my family is very last minute on events. Which brings me to the Modern part.

Modern is defined as relating to present (contemporary) and advocates moving away from tradition. What I believe modern should be and what I do my best to practice is the following. To be Modern you should respect tradition but do not need to make other peoples traditions yours. Nor should you be guilt tripped into pleasing other people who have specific traditions. I do not advocate to depart from tradition but I do believe in a middle balance. Some traditions and forms have facts or good reason to be respected. Yet if the tradition belittles people Or Claims that it is better then someone else, then move away from it.

I’ve studied psychology, sociology, science, math, philosophy, religion, theology, apologetic, linguistics, English, hermenutics, pharmacology and herbalisim. One thing that one hundred percent stands out is that middle ground of all types of knowledge can help. What will not help is being one sided, fanatic, hardheaded, close minded and ignorant. So, I push my self to continue being Modern but trying my best to have a balance. It is so easy to be the makes only food wife, the cleans only wife, the very independent wife, the easily offended wife and so on. Yet the one I find hardest to live up to is being a Modern Wife. A wife who studies (still), youthful, young in age, inexperienced, and who wants to still be able to live my age happily.Ā  So I have always moved away from tradition and when I was younger adults wrote me off as rebellious. The truth is that “dudes you cramping my personality”. I was simply trying to find me and once I found me. I was able to find a middle ground where I was able to incorporate traditions, values, life goals, culture, that was uplifting and not fake or people pleasing.

I only cared about what people thought, how they wanted things done, how they thought it was cool, nice, legit and acceptable. When I realized how ridiculous some things were and that they contained no legit reason for being a tradition. I got rid of them and made my own. Now as a wife , my husband and I are learning to make New ones together. Sure we may take an idea or two from our personal traditions but that doesn’t mean it has to be one sided. See I learned in everything I’ve studied that no two people are the same and this means that things have to be different. So we collide and create this beautiful thing called a new nuclei (family).

In our field of study my husband and I have to be up with the things that shook the youth. As older people say “hip” things. My husband is learning about Canadian youth culture and how they speak in emojis. Hear me out here, the kids these days send emojis to talk without even talking. When you and I would look at it trust me it would not look like letters but just memes. This is why I kinda have to stay Modern and this is also one of the reasons I’m writing here. I know there are a lot of young women who just want to live their crazy life being youthful and whatnot but we still have to be a wife. We then question ” do I need to change the way I dress? can I still hang out with my girls? why am I the only one my age married? uh am I a bad wife if I cook too much or too little”. Trust me when I say I get it! Of course I’m going to abruptly end my post here and say I’m here for you. Stay Modern and keep Wifing. It will all be okay.

Until next time love always Modern Wife

motto:Live Life Daily and Live it right.